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n friends again brought up the matter of the succession in order to embroil matters and embarrass the Queen; but she put her foot down firmly then, and they dropped the subject in a fright. This hing failed, they renewed their agitation for an inquiry into the conduct of Sus as Viceroy of Ireland; but out of this honest Ratcliff emerged triumphant, to the sorrow of his enemies. At last Sus got tired of the constant quarrelling, and begged for lee to go111 home, which was refused, and some sort of reconciliation was patched up between him and Leicester. In view of almost hourly changes in the Queen’s matrimonial attitude, and the certainty that the Leicester party would after all try to wreck the Archduke’s suit on the religious conditions, Sus firmly refused to undertake the embassy to the Emperor, unless he had pr
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電力鐵路some talk about the Archduke, and then again reverted to Leicester’s own suit. Leicester’s spirits rose at this, as it seemed to betoken a coolness towards the Archduke’s advances, and said that if Guzman would speak to the Queen now about marrying him he thought she would be more fourable than formerly as her90 reasons for rejecting him before was the fear that Mary of Scotland would marry a powerful prince; “whereas now that this marriage with Darnley had taken place my business will be more easily arranged. I he not cared to press the point upon her hi
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